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    martytx07  35, Male, Texas, USA - 53 entries
Dec 2010
8:10 AM EDT

TGIF!!! :D

Ok, well as you can see I'm posting another post before the year is over so definitely a lot better than I have been doing! Um, what to talk about... well it's almost Christmas! We did names this year to save on money, we have a big family so definitely going to save money. I'm getting the kids (nephews) gifts still though... Well I finished my first semester of school (only 2 classes this semester) and I did good, made A's in both classes. I'm gonna shoot for 4 classes next semester. I've been out of school for 3 years! So yeah, wanted to start off slow and saw that it wasn't that hard to do with working a full time so going to push it a little further. It sucks that I'm so far behind but oh well, better late than never. Right now I want to be a teacher... I think it's just something that I will love. I really like helping people understand something, especially math. Even this year, I was helping my co worker with her math. She's in college too so yeah. She sort of sucks... LOL. She has a problem with making excuses for herself or like making her self seem smarter than she is. Like she will say how she was so smart in high school but she failed the TAKS? Um, ok LOL. I'm not trying to hate but if you're smart and doing so great in your classes, how the heck do you fail the TAKS? I sort of told her that maybe her school just sucked and they didn't teach right LOL. I actually think she was a little offended by it. Well me, I did great in school and I was commended in all my TAKS test so yeah. I mean, I know a lot of things come easy and if things don't come easy, I study my butt off! I mean, that's what you have to do. Well she only took one class last semester and gonna take two this semester. I'm just thinking man, that's going to take too long! Even for myself, two classes is not enough! I'll be in school forever at that rate! So like I said, four classes it is for next semester! I hope I can handle it. I know it's going to be a challenge but I think I'm ready for it! My relationship status: still no boyfriend but not sure I want one either. I'm just trying to worry about me right now but I mean it would be nice to meet someone special I guess. I was talking to this one dude I really, really liked a while back. We met on a gay app on the iPhone and we got to chatting and he wanted to meet so met up at a park and just walked around and talked. Ok, well I was first stand offish about it because he had told me ahead of time how short he was. 5'5 or something like that LOL. Well anyways, I get at the park first and when he gets out his car he's short of course but he's so cute! We walked around talked, got to know each other and chilled for about 2 hours. I got to know a lot about him. It seemed so romantic even though we didn't do anything, Then as we were about to say our good byes we ended up talking some more, sat down on the curb and looked at the stars and yeah, I know! Cheesy but it's how it really happened. So anyways, it was somewhat chilly so he was like, "Want to go sit in my car" So we did, talked some more, and at this time I was sort of like, um, does he like me or not? So anyways, we are talking and he starts saying something about his hair, and I just say that I think it's cute. And rub his head and he leans in for a kiss and of course I kiss back LOL. He later texted me that he wasn't sure I liked him but of course I did! LOL. So anyways, long story short, we hung out again, texted, talked whatever for the next two weeks, then he went off to California for the weekend. I got to say that he says he's "confused" I guess and non one knows his interest for guys so I wasn't going to text him over the weekend because I knew he would be with friends. Well anyways, Monday comes along and I send him a text and no response, cool, probably busy, Tuesday text him nothing. Wednesday text him and I'm sort of like, WTF at this point. Tell him if he wants me to lose his number I will, I don't want to feel like I'm bugging him. He finally texted me back saying he had just gotten back, was studying for finals, he is confused but wants to be friends. Ugh, straight/confused boys! So anyways, I decided I'm going to see if he even texts me first (like he use to!) and I wait like 5 days and not once does he just send me a text to say good morning, what's up, nothing. So I'm just like, OK, I'm done. I send him my farewells and told him I would delete his number, he could do the same and I wished him the best of luck in whatever he does. Like I said, I really liked him and I'm wondering why. I mean, I've hung out with a couple of guys and this particular one was definitely my favorite. I think what I like the most was that he seemed straight. The way he talked, walked, wore his baseball cap, it was all really straight/masculine. And that's what it's about to be gay for me. I like men. Period. I don't like those guys who are more flamboyant than females, I like men. Eventually I guess, that was the big down fall. He is straight/bi whatever and I don't know if he could face the gay part of that. :( Oh well, hopefully I'll meet someone again who can act like that I hopefully I can sweep him off his feet enough to keep him� :D I'll try to keep y'all updated ;)
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